Remember your 16-year-old self, the one who thought finding the right prom date and getting an A in geometry were crucial to existence itself? Or what about your early 20s self, who, holed up in a tiny apartment and slaving away at an entry level job, suspected that it would be that way forever? Ever wish you could go back and comfort her? Give her some perspective, help her avoid the mistakes you now regret, somehow assure her that she would be okay?
We recently asked our community the question, "If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?" We got over a hundred responses, ranging from relationships and careers to body image and confidence. Below are our favorite 15 responses.
1.When people tell you that you are amazing, strong, resilient, smart, and capable - BELIEVE them.
2. High school does not determine who you are for the rest of your life. You may fall in love with your high school sweetheart but that love feels nothing like the love you will feel with your spouse. People may make fun of you but continue to stay true to who you are. Real friends will be there for the long haul. Don't sweat the small stuff! Life as an adult is much more difficult. Have fun!
3. Don’t follow the crowd. You were born to lead!
4. Realize that you are a treasure, and deserve to be treated as such. Never settle for anything less.
5. You're the only one who can fix your problems.
6. Don't marry just because it seems everyone else is and you don't know you can be happy alone. Multiple times.
7. Don't let others dampen your passion! Passion is what will drive you to live your life to the fullest and enjoy what you do.
8. What sets you apart isn't a burden, it makes you, you.
9. Think about future; worklife needs when planning your career.
10. Ignore your parent's advice when it comes to your career. They come from a different generation.
11.Put 10% of each paycheck, and all of any bonus into savings. Use it to help with "early" retirement.
12.You can't please everyone, so stop trying!
13.Take more risks, or else you may have regrets.
14.Don't put so much energy into worrying about the size of your ass, worry about something you can actually affect.
15.Take your education very seriously; your future depends on it.