A Hey, Jordan, is that you? Long time no see!
B Oh, hey, no kidding! I haven't seen you since orientation three months ago! So how've you been? Settling into college life OK?
A Yeah, I think so! I pledged Phi Iota Alpha, so I'm living at the frat house now.
B Oh, so you're a frat boy now, huh?
A Yeah, yeah, I know, it's totally cliche, but really, I think it's been a good decision. I've got a lot of support and good suggestions from the guys. What about you? What have you been up to?
B Not much. I'm still living at home and commuting to school. I ended up dropping that metalworking class I was so excited about. It just wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped. The guidance counselor suggested that I focus on my prerequisite courses so that I can make sure the credits count.
A That sounds smart... but kind of boring.
B Yeah, it is, a little bit. I joined the Great Outdoors Club, though, which has been a lot of fun. We've gone on two camping trips already, and I've made some good friends.
A That's cool. Hey, so have you decided on your major yet?
B Definitely pre-med. What about you?
A I still have no clue... but we don't have to declare a major till our sophomore year, so I've got time! Oops, I'm late for class. Gotta run!
B OK, take care! Hey, nice running into you!
A Yeah, you too!