A:What are you doing?
B:Oh, I'm packing. My lease is up at the end of the month and I'm moving to Vancouver for six months while my boyfriend is finishing his degree at the university.
A:Oh, wow, are you moving yourself or are you using a moving company?
B:I'm renting a U-Haul and doing it myself. I'm putting some of my furniture in storage since we plan to move back here after he graduates.
A:Can I help? Do you need me to forward your mail?
B:Thanks for the offer. I've submitted a change-of-address form to the post office so I hope my mail will get forwarded automatically. One thing I have to remember to do is to shut off the utilities-gas, electricity, and phone-but I'll have two more weeks to do that.
A:Well, good luck in Vancouver. I don't envy you. I hate moving. Let me know if you need any help with those boxes.
B:Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.