做事情既不能心急火燎、急功近利,也不能拖拖拉拉,浪費時間。在英文里表示“拖拖拉拉”可以用Don't letthe grass grow under one's feet.Grass 就是指草,Don't let the grass grow under one's feet 從字面上來解釋就是“不要讓草在你腳底下長出來”,實際上也就是說“不要什么事也不干,浪費時間(連草都長出來了,時間可是夠長的)”。
Right now the house is a real bargain. Don't let the grass grow under your feet ——sign the agreement today before somebody grabs it.
Don't let the grass grow under your feet 是推銷產(chǎn)品的人經(jīng)常說的話。下面的例子是一個汽車商在對顧客說話:
I tell you, don't let the grass grow under you feet ——this is the last day of this sale and the price on this model goesup a thousand dollars tomorrow!
大家也要善于抓機會,Don't let the grass grow under one's feet,不要停止不前,浪費時間哦!