A Hey Joe, what are you doing in this department store?
B Hi, Rita, I'm just looking for a pair of shoes. I won't be here for long.
A Why not? When I go shoe shopping, I have so many options for sneakers that I spend awhile looking at all of the choices.
B That's my problem. I don't have a lot of options.
A What do you mean? This is a big store, isn't it?
B Yes, but I have unusually big feet. That wouldn't be too much of a problem except that they're also very wide, and only a few brands sell shoes that I can fit into.
A So how do you usually go about buying shoes, then?
B Well, first of all, I can only go to certain stores that can guarantee me a large selection.
A Well, you're in the right store. If they don't have it, no one will.
B After that I choose something from one of the few brands that I know will fit me. I prefer white, so I ask them to bring me a pair of white sneakers in my size. Since I’m usually only given one or two pairs of shoes that meet my qualifications, it makes it a very easy choice.