Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my program, this is Ukki. 嘿,大家好,我是Ukki。In today's program we are going to learn an expression "Don't jump the gun".
【講解】jump the gun原義是"起跑時搶跑"。引申意義是"太早行動"或是"不明究理的情況下亂發(fā)脾氣"。
Let's take a look at two examples.
Don't jump the gun because they usually start distributing paychecks on the 15th.
Hey! Don't jump the gun. What's up?
OK, that's what we learn today, please remember me, this is Ukki and remember what we have learned today "Don't jump the gun", 別太早發(fā)火。
So much for today's program, see you next time and have a nice day, bye~~