A--Agent Mr. Chen
B--Clients Mr. And Mrs. Roberts
L: Landlord Mr. Dai
A: Hello, Mr. Dai. This is Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.
L: Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. How are you?
B: Fine. Thank you. Nice to meet you, Mr Dai.
L: Nice to meet you, too.
A: I have already made up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties, the landlord and the tenant. First, may I see your identity cards and make copies? (Makes copies and returns.) Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr Dai, let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement. Both parties must follow the terms of this agreement after signing these copies. This agreement is made on the first of December, 2005. Re Flat A, 18/F, Robinson Garden. The monthly rental fee is forty-two thousand Hong Kong dollars. The landlord is responsible for the government rates and the tenant takes care of management fees. The security deposit is two months rent, which is eighty-four thousand dollars.
B: Here is a cheque for twenty thousand dollars for the deposit.
A: The stamp duty and the legal costs will be shared equally between both of you.
B: I understand.
A: If Mr. Roberts cannot make the payments before the due date, he will forfeit the deposit. On the contrary, if Mr. Dai cannot complete the agreement, then he is responsible to pay Mr. Roberts double the deposit money. Both the tenant and the landlord agree to ABC Properties Company half of the monthly rental fee as a service charge. If by any chance, either party fails to complete the agreement, then the defaulting party is obliged to pay ABC Properties Company a one-month rental fee as a service fee. Is that clear?
B: Yes.
A: The landlord agrees to provide all the furniture and appliances for the house. He also promises to let the tenant have painted walls instead of wallpaper. Please check the details. If there is nothing to change, please sign at the bottom. Thank you very much.