Stand up. 站起來.
Sit down. 坐下.
Turn around. 轉(zhuǎn)個圈.
Hands up. 手舉起來.
Hands down. 手放下去.
Put up your hand. 舉起手.
Put down your hand. 放下手.
Pick up the cards. 拿起卡片.
Point to the cards. 指著卡片.
Who can tell me? 誰能告訴我?
Who can answer my question? 誰能回答我的問題?
What else? 還有呢?
Let's watch TV. 我們看電視.
Do you understand? 明白了嗎?
Please say in English. 請用英語說.
Line up. 排好隊.
Please say it one by one. 請一個一個地說.
Paper, scissors, rock. 石頭、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戲)