L:Now I know why I split up with Mike. We found we were simply not good for each other.
J:In what ways?
L:Well, he is a typical Sagittarius guy, while I am a Cancer. We aren't really compatible
J:Ha-ha, so you believe in astrology?
L:What's strange about that! As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life. But according to astrology, Sagittarius guys are too adventurous and risk-taking.They seldom think of leading a settled and peaceful life.
J:Is that so? I'm afraid it is too narrow-minded to judge people using astrology. It's all stereotypes!
L:But in my case, the fact matches the theory. Mike is humorous, energetic, always as fresh as a daisy, but probably too ambitious. It frightens me!
J:But as far as I remember, you two caught on like a house on fire when you first met.
L:Exactly. But later on, he cares more about his career than love. Work seems to be the better all, and all for him-so much that he doesn't even grudge sparing a day out with me.