A:Now that you'recommending such enormous fees, producers, directors,movie-makers must see you in a completely different light.
A:Then the standard that you set yourself originally must have changed.
B:Well, if that's the case, I don't mind breaking the image that they might have or the standards that they have. I can only do what I know, and live how I've lived all my life, because I'm a fairly stubborn person.
A:It seems to me that now you're famous. You've got to go out and be seen at the right places and go to the right parties.
B:I don't go to parties. The parties I go to are the barbecues I have in my house. Being seen in the right places is something that I don't believe in. I don't believe in going to events just for the sake I of being seen.
A:Then fans don't see you much in public places.
B:Yes. I have a very low-key life; I have a great life. I love what I do and I love how I spend my time, which isn't in a public place.
A:A lot of people compare you to Julia Roberts. I wondered if there was anyone that you compare yourself to in Hollywood ,that you've watched and thought , 'Well, they've got something I could use a little bit or could learn a little bit about.'
B:I've never had one person that I'd idolixed. The comparisons to Jul-ia Roberts are incredibly flattering. I don't really know who I would compare myself to. I'd like to be a combination of a lot of people. A little bit of everything, really. I haven't quite figured out where my strengths are yet, and I've drfinitely found my weaknesses.