自選課題名稱 《 What time is it? 》
教學內容 A:Excuse me. What time is it ?
B:It’s 3 o’clock. What do you want to do?
A:I want to go to the classroom .
B:Oh, yes. It’s time to clean the windows .
A:Let’s go!
1. 知識目標
① 掌握并能運用單詞 “o’clock”及句型 “ What time is it? ”、 “ It’s …”、 “ It’s time to… ”。
② 認讀并理解單詞“whnt”。
2. 能力目標
3. 情感目標
1. 重點: 三個句型
2. 難點: 熟練地運用三個句型參與交際
1. CAI課件;
2. “o’clock 、want”單詞卡片及“What time is it?”、“It’s…”、“ It’s time to…”等句型卡片;
3. 掛鐘一個;
4. 模擬鐘一個(可任意調整時間);
5. 30只小型模擬鐘(可任意調整時間)。
O’clock What time is it?
Want It’s…
It’s time to…
Step 1 Free talk
T: Boys and girls , nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you, too.
分別與單個學生對話:Hello! / How do you do? / How are you? / What’s your name? / How old are you? /
Is this your book ?
What’s this? (學生的筆、橡皮、鉛筆盒…… )
T:What’s this?(黑板上方懸掛的時鐘)
Step 2 Warming up
帶領學生用一只手模仿時針轉圈,同時count from 1 to 12。
Step 3 Presentation (1)
1. Learn the new word: o’clock
① 繼而count from 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock。
② 利用“教具鐘”認讀鐘點。
2. Learn the sentence pattern: What time is it?
T:I have many many clocks. Do you want to see them?
OK, let’s go!
T:Wow, so many beautiful clocks! Do you want to know what time every clock tells us? (課件閃現“特大問號”) OK. If we want to know , we can ask ,“What time is it? ”
3. Learn the sentence pattern: It’s …
最后一位學生說“What time is it?”
T: By which clock do you want to know what time it is?
Step 4 Drill
1. CAI依次顯示鐘面(10:00、 8:20 、9:35),同時操練:
A:Excuse me. What time is it?
B:It’s …
2. 用滾動的“CAI時刻”設置游戲(搶答競賽):
What time is it?
It’s …
T:What time is it?
Ss:It’s 7 o’clock.
(點按,鐘面縮小,同時出現情景畫面 )
T: It’s time to go to school.
Step 5 Presentation (2)
1. Learn the sentence pattern: It’s time to …
(根據課件圖示的動作說句子:It’s time to…
go to school / watch TV / feed ducks / do sports / ……clean the windows)
2. 用“It’s time to …”句型造句
Step 6 Practice (Pairwork: Make dialogues)
1. 老師就掛鐘提問
T:What time is it?
Ss:It’s …
T:Oh, yes. It’s time to practice making dialogues.
2. 范例
課件顯示情景畫面( 3點鐘,擦窗戶) 及小對話
A:What time is it?
B:It’s 3 o’clock.
A:It’s time to clean the windows.
(Read the dialogue in the CAI.)
3. Act the dialogue.
① 自編對話
T:Now please take out your clocks . Then, make dialogues in pairs (according to the time by your clocks). Please ask and answer.
② 自導、自演對話
T:Now, let’s act dialogues with your partners.
T:Who wants to act the dialogue for us? Please come to the front.
③ 三人小組對話
④ 活動競賽
Step 7 Presentation (3)
T:Now let’s look at the picture (CAI) and listen to a dialogue.
① 第一遍:課文的對話與圖片
② 第二遍:課文的文字顯示與對話
③ 呈現兩個句子:
What do you want to do?
I want to go to the classroom.
Step 8 Homework
Step 9 Consolidation
1 . Sing the song《 What time is it? 》
2 . Say “Goodbye! ”
T: What time is it? (看掛鐘) Oh, It’s … It’s time to stop our class. OK? Goodbye, boys and girls!
Ss:Goodbye, Miss Jiang!
教 學 反 思
本堂課是遵循以上原則,并結合小學英語課程標準的要求而設計的。課堂教學以“What time is it?”為主題,以與每位學生密切相關的“時間”為主線貫穿始終。我在課堂上為學生營造了一個輕松有趣的學習氛圍,促使學生積極主動地學習英語,并將所學的知識自然有效地運用于生活實際,收到了“現學現用、學用結合”的成效。
當代教育主張“開放式課堂教學”,注重培養(yǎng)創(chuàng)新型人才?;谶@一理念,我在教學過程中依據教學要求、結合教學內容有意識地充實了豐富有趣、針對性強的開放性游戲活動,使孩子們在“樂中學、學中樂”。比如,句型“ What time is it? ”、“It’s… ”是本課的教學重點及難點,我在教學中分別采用了“漂亮鐘面爭搶認讀”、“滾動時刻快速反應”、“模擬時鐘情景問答”等等活動,有效地提高了學習的趣味性,增強了學生的成就感。另外,在孩子們基本掌握三個句型之后,我鼓勵他們自編、自導、自演對話,讓所學的知識得到升華,并把升華后的知識轉變成為真實交際的能力。