Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce is a public universityresponsible for the government of Shanghai. It is one of the earliest institutions providing modernaccounting education in China. Shanghai has launched “HighEducation Peak Disciplines and Highland Disciplines” programs. TheBusiness Administration (Accounting) Discipline of Lixin Universityhas been selected as one of the “Highland Disciplines”, based onthe construction of “High Education First Class Discipline” inShanghai. To further develop our Business Administration Disciplineto a new level, we are recruiting for “Discipline Leaders”,“Academic Leaders”, and “Excellent PhDs” globally.
Research fields: (1) Governmental accounting and auditing. (2)Capital market accounting and auditing. (3) Supply chain accountingand auditing.
(I) Discipline Leaders
Research fields and vacancies: Accounting or Auditing, 1-3positions.
1. Under 50 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)
2. PhD and professorship in current position (associatedprofessorship for oversea applicants)
3. One of the followings:
(1) Received Talent Title given by National Ministry of Education.
(2) Directed national major program and completed successfully.
(3) Published three articles in A-Level journals (<EconomicResearch>, <Management World>), or published one articlein a journal listed by JCR30%.
Position Goal:
Complete the construction of Highland Discipline Program, andadvance Lixin Business Administration Discipline to top 20%national wide.
Position Tasks:
1. Establish a research team with worldwide competitiveness,recruit oversea excellent PhDs, and lead the team to complete theHighland Discipline program.
2. Within six years, complete any two of the followings:
(1) Direct one national major (key) research project, or oneinternational cooperation major (key) project, or twonational/international research projects.
(2) Publish three A-Level articles or one JCR 30% article, as thefirst author or corresponding author.
(3) Win one national award for teaching or research excellence (top2 among first class, top 1 among second class), or provincial awardfor teaching or research excellence (top 1 among first class).
(4) Direct one national excellent course program, or one nationalexcellent teaching team program.
(5) Apply one of national major talents programs successfully.
Position benefits:
One million RMB per year, with three million RMB housing allowance,or by agreement.
(II) Academic Leaders
Research field and vacancies: Accounting or Auditing, 3-5positions.
1. Under 45 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)
2. PhD and professorship in current position (associatedprofessorship for oversea applicants)
3. One of the followings:
(1) Received Talent Title given by Provincial Ministry ofEducation.
(2) Directed national key program and completed successfully.
(3) Published two A-Level articles (<Economic Research> and<Management World>), or published one article in a journallisted by JCR40%.
Position Goal:
Assist Discipline leader, advance Lixin Business AdministrationDiscipline to top 20% national wide.
Position Tasks:
1. Establish a research team with worldwide competitiveness, anddirect the team to complete the Highland Discipline program.
2. Within six years, complete any two of the followings:
(1) Direct one national research project, or one internationalcooperation project.
(2) Publish two A-Level articles or one JCR 40% article, as thefirst author or the corresponding author.
(3) Win one national award for teaching or research excellence (top3 among first class, top 2 among second class), or one provincialaward for teaching or research excellence (top 1 among firstclass).
(4) Direct one national excellent course program, or one nationalexcellent teaching team program.
(5) Apply one of provincial major talents programs successfully.
Position benefits:
700 thousand RMB per year, and 2100 thousand RMB housing allowance,or by agreement.
(III) Excellent PhDs
Research fields and vacancies: Accounting 8 positions, Auditing 8positions, Business Administration (see research fields above) 4positions.
1. Under 35 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)
2. Directed one provincial program, or published one article in ajournal in Lixin B-Level journals list.
3. Applicants with oversea PhD do not need the above tworequirements.
Position tasks:
Within six years, complete any two of the followings:
1. Direct one provincial research project.
2. Publish one A-Level articles or one JCR 60% article, as thefirst author or the corresponding author.
3. Win one national or provincial award for teaching or researchexcellence (top 5 among national first class, top 3 among nationalsecond class, top 3 among provincial first class, or top 2 amongprovincial second class).
4. Apply one of Shanghai major talents programs successfully.
Position benefits:
200 thousand RMB each year, and 300 thousand RMB housing allowance,or by agreement.
Zip Code: 201620, Telephone: 67705068, 67705070
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